HI. My name is Tony Curl and I have a real concern with the State of Men's Health. I know so many of my friends and mates, and see hundreds of others that carry that extra weight around their guts. The badge of honour called a Beer Gut. Unhealthy is a nice way to say it. An absolute killer is another. I want everyone to know my story and for you to realise that YOU can change your life and improve your health. Transform your life, all you need is the desire to change.
Please read MY STORY first, then click through the pages. Would love to hear from others and only too willing to help anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Overall I have lost over 29kg, transformed my life and now have kept it off for over twelve months. The proof that you can still drink beer and transform your body.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weigh in and Results

Friday weigh-in and I am pretty happy with results. A drop of 1.2 kg and a full 1% of Body Fat gone. I really do get amazed at the power of the mind, the increased energy and the way the Bodytrim program just kicks in. Been using the resistance bands first thing in the morning and that also helps drive Fat Burning. I will be ready for the beach anyday now.....lol

Just on a side note, and this is in conjunction with Sweet Poison. I find it unfathomable that a product that contains PURE FRUCTOSE (that is the really bad stuff in sugar) is available in the sugar aisle in supermarkets, but glucose or dextrose are hidden in other parts of the supermarket. One starts to think conspiracy with this................................it just doesn't make sense.

Till Next Time Cheers Curly

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stats, Stats and More Stats

Its Amazing what research can get done and ultimately what stats can be used to prove a point. I refer of course to my previous sharing of a post about a study done on heavy,moderate and non-drinkers. It got me thinking about the Sweet Poison Quit Plan. David Gillespie rightly points the bone at sugar as the major culprit of the obesity epidemic. He states that our body has inbuilt mechanisms to control our food intakes. He says that outside of sugar you can just about eat anything. So I wonder how many respondents we would get if we were to ask for men who wanted to be involved in a study revolving around Pies and Beers. My guess would be 100%..................... So that's where the 100% comes from. 

The 50% comes from mid-week Wednesday and another compliant week is halfway done. Good levels of activity, great nutrition and two resistance sessions. Looking good for the week and a positive outlook moving forward. Can't wait for Friday, Results day. Until then...................Cheers

Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers?

Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers?

A very Interesting Article from Time Magazine. Moderate Drinkers have the best life expectancy...Hope that you find this interesting

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's My Party

Well, this old boy turned 45 yesterday. I shared my celebration with two close friends who were having their engagement. Best of luck Ash and Jarade. It was an amazing night and totally enjoyable.

But the best part f my day, has been reading all my Facebook messages. I joined Facebook to keep in contact with some of the wonderful Legends within the Bodytrim community, and yesterday they showed why they are legends. Nice words, wonderful messages....I really did appreciate them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Shop Fronts, Point of Sales and the Weeks results

I was ecstatic last week, dropping three kilos after my carb detox, and this week was not so good. The body stabilised and my loss has been minimal. I still feel lighter and my pants are more comfortable, so I must be losing centrmetres, but this hasn't shown on the scales. I also took the week off Resistance Training and that may have something to do with the minimal loss. I am using my "old dodgy" scales at the moment as my Body Fat ones have decided to take a holiday, but that should be fixed over the weekend.

I do need to apologise to good folk all over Australia. Last Night while shopping, I saw a large poster of myself, staring down from a shop front promoting the new package Bodytrim+. For those that are scared by this, I apologise now. To be honest, it was a strange feeling. BT, in their wisdom, have never (to my knowledge) used my image in any campaign as it always seems to be women featured on TV and the magazines. Obviously this is a larger target market and I understand the reasoning, and to be honest happy with it as I have been allowed to be a Low Profile Top 10er. I am expecting some calls and texts over the weekend as family and friends see the poster....The price of fame..............LOL

Have a great weekend everybody,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Question Answered

I received a question recently, on what I thought about Bodytrim, now that I had read Sweet Poison. Read my answer on the page Your Questions Answered.

I gained a further insight however, on a basic need from people, to undermine something in favour of something else. The whole 100% of one thing and nothing from another. I can understand this, and have done it many times myself, but I believe that the best thing is to educate and learn and take the best out of everything. That is when we will truly make the best decisions.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Too Much Water

As blogged yesterday, last night was our State Xmas Party. I had a good day nutritionally and fitted in both 30 minute walks, and then fronted up to the party with the plan to drink water. Walked in, and the first offer was Curly, can I get you a beer. ...........Slight pause............Nah, she's right mate, I'll just get myself a water. YYyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Passed the first test. Made sure I had a jug on the table at all times. Enjoyed my dinner just choosing the great choice of protein options, and heaps of salad.

But my question is? Can you have too much water? I sipped all night and always had a glass in my hand. Conservatively, I reckon I drank five litres yesterday all up. Is there such as a thing as TOO MUCH?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Christmas Party Season Begins

Tonight I have the first of a relentless wave of Christmas Party. It is our State Christmas Party which is a big affair, and is always under a theme, and this year it is a sporting theme. Work Christmas parties are always dangerous! You may drink to much and make a fool of yourself, or even worse do a David Jones (LOL).  I made my decision some time back, that I would drive to the party and drink nothing stronger than water. I have a breakfast meeting the day after, but it just makes so much sense to stay alert and aware, rather than fuzzy and dazed. It certainly won't hurt my current sprint into Christmas either, and I don't want to lose the momentum behind the first week's detox weight loss. I have a goal in mind of where I want to be at the end of this week and I want to be there.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Decision Time :Paid Off

I returned to work this week after a holiday break of almost three weeks. I jumped on the scales on Sunday (after a few beers) and found out that I was very close to my "trigger point". My trigger point is that number on the scales that I have set, that re-focuses me, and brings me back to fat burning mode. In all reality, when I set my "trigger point" I never thought I would get close to it again. Sunday was my wake-up call. It was DECISION TIME! Continue on, believing you're in control (when I obviously wasn't),  OR get back in control and turn on the fat burners

To turn the fat burning qualities back, I needed to do the dreaded carb detox again. Three days of protein only as all the Bodytrim team will know. After day three, you crave lettuce and spinach leaves, but the feeling of being back in control is enourmous. Tuna, Fish, and Chicken become the staple. Well, today before my Resistance session and walk, I jumped on the scales and incredibly pleased with the results. 3kg in one week....I'm Back. 

Coming into the danger period with Xmas parties and the like, so the run-in and focus doesn't stop here. I want to be back at the weight I was last Xmas, which means a further drop of approx 3 kilos. Discipline, the ability to say now will be paramount to do this. 

What are your strategies coming into Xmas ?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Classic Video

Here is an absolute Classic of a Video. How Much Fat is in a can of soft drink. This NYC service offers more videos on health, so visit youtube and watch some. Also very interesting reading some of the comments.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Weekend is Near

Whatever your plans are for the weekend, I hope everyone has a great one. This weekend I have family up and they are here in somewhat sad times as we have a serious cancer within the family leading to surgery next week. My plans are to have an alcohol free weekend this weekend, and to start next week back at work as fresh as a daisy. Hope you all have a great weekend. Cheers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Using the Tools

I am starting to build a huge knowledge base around health and well-being. Bodytrim gave me success, Sweet Poison gave me even more information on the dangers of sugar and sweeteners, while I have also been reading up on calorie counting. Some of the knowledge base conflicts with others, and that is where your own best judgement comes in.

I follow a moderate protein and low carb regime. By it's nature this means low sugar. So I already live in the Sweet Poison world, to a large degree. David Gillespie in Sweet Poison Quit Plan, places the blame squarely on sugar, and the disruptive impacts this has on our own control mechanisms. Our body has perfectly good control functions that tell us when we have had enough to eat, and based on this, David suggests that almost everything can be eaten as long as it doesn't contain sugar or more specifically fructose. We will regulate intake. I like this in theory, but my concern would be that we have been over-riding these mechanisms for years, so I am not sure I can trust myself.

It is suggested that pies and beer are OK for us within the Sweet Poison Quit Process. I love both of these, but do I trust myself and my own control mechanisms. Not on your life. So where does this leave me.

I will continue my predominately Bodytrim way of eating, but will largely remove all sugar (fructose) and sweeteners from my diet. I will maintain focus on at least four Alcohol Free Days, and still have a larger carbohydrate day over the weekends. Doing this will be achievable and sustainable and couple with daily walks and resistance exercises, should allow me to lead a energetic Life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sadly Lacking Trust on Nutritionists

I believe that one of our biggest roles as individuals is to read and educate ourselves, form opinions, make decisions and live a principled life.When the opportunity presents themselves, we take the chance to educate and influence others. I read up on the various forms of diet and nutrition and the one that really does sit with me is the philosophy of the HUNTER/GATHERER. This just rings true. I read the stats on obesity and the absolute increased consumption of the Western Diet AND SUGAR, and I can put two and two together to believe that sugar has played a major role in making everyone fatter.

As part of my ongoing research, I have recently joined Raisin Hell, the blog put together by David Gillespie, the author of Sweet Poison. I have also joined his forum. On the forum, and blog, David is attacked by a nutritionist called Chris Forbes- Ewan. Now personally, I have nothing against nutritionists, but Chris has attacked Gillespie and his assertions on sugar, especially Fructose, and toed the nutritionist line that everything is ok in moderation and that scientific evidence has now shown conclusively that Fructose is the criminal. Gillespie worst crimes, appear to be that he isn't a nutritionist and that he has "selectively" used tests etc. I will let you form your own mind on that. Chris, also claims sugar is not addictive......Once again, you be the judge.

Monday, November 1, 2010

More on Sweet Poison

After completing David Gillespie's Sweet Poison: Why Sugar is Making Us Fat I chased up his next book, The Sweet Poison Quit Plan.  Now the knowledge that David provides is exceptional, as he battles through the different types of sugars, and also the effects that Artificial Sweeteners have. It has opened my eyes up on a number of fronts especially in the INGREDIENTS panels on the food we eat. I was taught through Bodytrim, to read and analyse the Nutritional panel on each of the foods we consume. So in many ways, I was already living a low sugar lifestyle, due to the low carb lifestyle. What David has now taught me, is to read the ingredients as well, as they list up some of the more harmful "sugar substitutes" like Sorbitol. To my shock, the "sugar free" gum and mints that I have become accustomed to chewing and munching on, was having a similar effect as what fructose would have on me.....One again, all I can suggest is read the book, David writes in a practical way, tinged with humour. It is easy reading and nothing to be scared of. Worst case scenario, is it provides you with more knowledge than what you had before.

The sugar in beer is maltose, which does metabolise to Glucose, so it is OK. Just don't drink a dozen schooners every day...and maybe just stick to my golden rule, of at least four AFD's a week, preferably five.

Some more links to check out.

Sweet Poison Web Site
Sweet Poison Facebook
Sweet Poison Forums