HI. My name is Tony Curl and I have a real concern with the State of Men's Health. I know so many of my friends and mates, and see hundreds of others that carry that extra weight around their guts. The badge of honour called a Beer Gut. Unhealthy is a nice way to say it. An absolute killer is another. I want everyone to know my story and for you to realise that YOU can change your life and improve your health. Transform your life, all you need is the desire to change.
Please read MY STORY first, then click through the pages. Would love to hear from others and only too willing to help anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Overall I have lost over 29kg, transformed my life and now have kept it off for over twelve months. The proof that you can still drink beer and transform your body.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cave in or Stick to?

Here I am just over three weeks away from the re-opening of Bunnings Rocklea, and to date I have been able to stay committed to my nutrition and exercise regime, and have managed to shed a few of the kilos gained around the mid-riff over the Christmas period.

I work with a great team, a team that covers a wide coverage of skills. This allows us to succeed in most of the things that we do. With the team support, we are able to achieve greater than what we would have. My team also understand my nutrition and exercise, and while at times this is the brunt of some good natured banter, are proud of what I have personally achieved.

While I am strong and vocal for personal commitment to transforming your life, the reality is that you do need support and that this usually comes in the shape of a team or your family. You need someone in your corner and sometime to turn to when you face your demons. At times, good natured banter from your support, may just be the difference to a "cave in" or a "stick to"

Stay committed, stay true and you can make a difference with your life.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Russian Roulette

The Biggest Loser makes for emotional television, and this season sees genuine animosity between the families. Last night they voted out of spite and voted the "Big Man" Damo out of the game when put up for eviction. And then they had the audacity to cry and bawl as he left. Get real people, its a game. This is not a public health service. The red team gambled and lost. End of story. ( Please get rid of the surprised gasps as people come around for elimination: What, someone has to come don't they?)

Please don't talk about who needs it most. If someone wanted it most, they would have done something themselves. If Damo is fair dinkum, he will continue what he has learnt. Education and personal commitment is the key to any goal. He has more chance of making it sustainable outside in the real world, than inside the artificial world of Biggest Loser.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I've Done all the Dumb Things

Paul Kelly sung about it and Tony Curl lives it. Don't you hate it when you misread a situation, start making some steps and plans in one direction.....only to have the full facts slapped in your face and an about face is needed. Sometimes I guess that is life.....

Once upon a time, I would have gone home and downed a few beers to "reflect" on the decision, and attempt to erase it from my mind. I cope better with this nowadays, I jumped on the treadmill and pumped out a quick 4km to clear my mind, and refocus.

This is what being healthy does for me.....It is easier to cope with life when you are physically healthier and this allows you to be stronger mentally. Try it....

Monday, February 7, 2011

February Fast......Good Friend Fund Raising

My good friend, Geoff Jowett, is fundraising during February for FEBFAST, with all proceeds supporting young people with drug and alcohol problems. I consider Geoff and good friend of mine and as the founder of Bodytrim, has given me the education to change my life. He was telling me today how well Bodytrim+ was going. A genuine livewire with a passion to change the world and help others. Here is the link to his FEBFAST page if you would like to support him.


The Local Taphouse Blog: The Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular - beer lineu...

The Local Taphouse Blog: The Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular - beer lineu...: "As Big Kev would say - We're excited! On Feb 12th, The Great Australian Beer SpecTAPular (GABS) will see 20 beers from 22 breweries around..."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser is now back on our screens, and you can't get away from the fact that this makes good television. I am once again sucked into it, and watched the first weigh-in today. I have already have my clear favourites, and the bloke voted out, Greg, already had irritated me to the extent that I am not unhappy to see him go. Whinges, excuses and inability to commit 100% were all the hallmarks of Greg. No wonder he is gone.

But what I don't like about this program, is the artificial atmosphere the contestants are put into. Everyone else DOES not have access to highly credentialed Personal Trainers and people planning food and exercise for you. Most people live in the real world. It is artificial and contrived....

The other area that gets up my goat, is how every contestant sees this as their last chance. Their personal resolve to lose weight outside of the show was negligible at best, and this was evidenced by the week that the trainers spent with each family......Now they are on the show, they talk about "who needs it most". Tonight we heard from a contestant about her mother having a triple by-pass heart surgery.....TWO YEARS AGO, and not wanting to die early for her children. Admirable, but what have you done over the last two years???? There are plenty of programs that work, but they need personal commitment and endeavor...And that is what the contestants lack.

The only person that can motivate you to change your life is YOU. TV Shows cannot, gyms cannot, friends and family cannot....The change must come from you. You cannot win without it.

Tomorrow is the SuperBowl

I have a couple of special days during the year and the NFL SuperBowl is one of them. I have certainly been looking after myself since my return from holidays, so I have planned a bit of a blow-out tomorrow and really looking forward to having some Nachos..... Outside of that, the beer is cold and some protein snacks have been arranged. So just who will win? My tip is for the Green Bay Packers to defeat the Steelers....But this is the SuperBowl

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Routine Starts to Kick In

Last week, I posted the changes in my life incurred through the flooding of the store. Over the sixteen days since arriving back at work, I have worked fourteen, including twelve straight. I actually feel really good, and the energy levels currently are good. The mind is clear and the focus is sharp.

In some ways, a routine is starting to settle in, with very early morning walks and an evening walk, both with my wife who is kick-starting back into her Bodytrim lifestyle. Nutrition is good, and close to very good actually...very focused on eating right. During the cleanup, salvage and rebuild operation, we are likely to hit some goals and deadlines that need to be celebrated and my time for a beer will be limited to those times. This is not the time to let the job overwhelm me, but the fitter and better I feel, the better my work will be.

Team, I hope you are all having a great start to 2011, and that you are well on your way to kicking your goals.