HI. My name is Tony Curl and I have a real concern with the State of Men's Health. I know so many of my friends and mates, and see hundreds of others that carry that extra weight around their guts. The badge of honour called a Beer Gut. Unhealthy is a nice way to say it. An absolute killer is another. I want everyone to know my story and for you to realise that YOU can change your life and improve your health. Transform your life, all you need is the desire to change.
Please read MY STORY first, then click through the pages. Would love to hear from others and only too willing to help anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Overall I have lost over 29kg, transformed my life and now have kept it off for over twelve months. The proof that you can still drink beer and transform your body.

Your Questions Answered

Please ask your questions here!

Q. How did you get started? I know I am huge, sitting at about 30kg overweight, and just can't seem to take that first step. How did you do it. (BM,Waterford )

A Actually, my wife was the catalyst for me. I saw a photo of myself and was really shocked, but how to start? I really wasn't sure. My wife was the catalyst and just bought BodyTrim and away I went. Once I started losing weight, the competitive spirit in me saw me win. In your case, you know you need to lose weight, it's just setting your mind and your focus and having a very clear picture in your mind as to what you want to achieve. Once you have set your mental goal, you will find the rest comes relatively quickly.

Q. I have always been large, and just can't see myself skinny or even fit. I am only 20 and really want to make a change, purely because girls won't look at me. In your story you only gained weight once you stopped sport, any advice for someone who is not sporty. (LT,Coffs Harbour)Waterfo

A. The major exercise I did was walking, so no matter how sporty you are, walking is an easy exercise, places no strain on the joints, easy on the heart and gets the activity happening. Get into the right nutrition program, and start walking. You may be surprised just how quick it is before things start happening.

Q.What do you think of Bodytrim now after reading Sweet Poison? Personally I think Bodytrim is crap & sweet poison is fantastic! (NM)

A. I wrote in my Post Using the Tools the major requirement for us, is to educate ourselves. There are many "diets" or programs that work. We need to choose which one is best for you. I am a strong advocate for Bodytrim, because it worked for me and the education STUCK. I am a supporter of the Sweet Poison Plan, but personally I will not be following that to the nth degree. I also appreciate most other programs, as they do have some success, but the best programs are the ones that can be sustainable for the remainder of your life and that you do not feel like you are missing out on anything. Personally, I couldn't stick to the Sweet Poison Quit Plan, and Bodytrim gives me more freedom to indulge at times. Either way, you need a clear mental focus on the best plan for you.