HI. My name is Tony Curl and I have a real concern with the State of Men's Health. I know so many of my friends and mates, and see hundreds of others that carry that extra weight around their guts. The badge of honour called a Beer Gut. Unhealthy is a nice way to say it. An absolute killer is another. I want everyone to know my story and for you to realise that YOU can change your life and improve your health. Transform your life, all you need is the desire to change.
Please read MY STORY first, then click through the pages. Would love to hear from others and only too willing to help anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Overall I have lost over 29kg, transformed my life and now have kept it off for over twelve months. The proof that you can still drink beer and transform your body.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Going Strong

Wednesday and we are going strong. My fourth AFD already, with Sunday being a AFD and launching pad into this week. I am writing this blog note between my 30 second breathers between my resistance exercises using Bodysculpt bands. For those familiar with the Bodysculpt bands, I am currently on resistance level Black/Yellow/Red which is the equivalent of 19kgs. The sessions are called EPOC sessions. EPOS stands for Excess pos-exercise oxygen consumption. Basically this means that additional oxygen resources are called for after the exercise is finished to return your body to a resting state. To get the best out of EPOC sessions, I use resistance bands with high repitions (20-30 reps x 3) with 30 second breaks in between. I use five exercises over the major movement planes.

Doing this three times a week, ensures that I continue to burn fat and build lean muscle. Building lean muscle fuels your resting metabolic rate. Lean muscle is good. Being disciplined when you can, sticking with your four (at least) AFD's and combining with additional activity (walking) and increasing your lean muscle through exercise, provides you with every chance of still allowing yourself the chance to lose weight and still drink beer.

This week I completed an EPOC session on Sunday night, have completed my two 35 minutes a day, done two Tower 200 sessions focusing on arms and back (seriously each session takes 10 minutes guys) and my nutrition has been spot on with high protein and very low carb.

A simple regime really, that allows me to be slim and fit, while still playing up like a cheap watch when needed.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Good Week Down, Another one Coming Up

Well Team, I had a good week last week, 90% compliant in food and my AFD's. Feeling great going into this week, and feel certain to again be back on track. One of my best mates Stuey, has joined the crusade and has dropped three kilos over a couple of weeks and is looking and feeling good. Workouts and back to me daily walks have contributed to my overall feeling of well-being.

At my State Conference on Thursday our guest speaker was Dr Feelgood from radio and tv fame, who talked about the health and well-being of us. She pointed us in the direction of some good resources, and I thought I would share one of them here. It's simply called "The Right Mix" and had been provided by the Federal Govt.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Tuesday Morning and back in control. Had a 30 minute walk after a Sugar Free Energy drink and just had my breaky of scrambled eggs, diced bacon and mushrooms. I am back feeling in control. Last night I did three workouts on the New Tower 200, which took all of 20 minutes and made me feel great.

One of the first goals that I set when I started losing weight in February 2009, was to get under 90kg, a weight I hadn't been under since 1988. I have now officially been under that weight for over 12 months, and come September, I will have been under 85kg for over 12 months. You can make the change for the better, with just a little commitment and discipline, and still enjoy in moderation what you have always enjoyed. I am proof.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Feeling Very Positive for the Week

Over the last couple of weeks, I have clearly broken MY Number one rule. At least FOUR Alcohol Free Days a week. With State of Origin , Weddings, Leadership workshops it feels like I have been lucky to get in TWO AFD's. However this week, I have a much cleaner schedule. I have my State Conference on Thursday and as is usually the case, the unwind at the end of the day includes some light refreshments. I am comfortable that I can skip the beers at this, and get in a good FIVE days of AFD,s.

Started Monday well, with a great resistance workout. Just finished breaky of two scrambled eggs, some diced bacon and spinach, and writing this with some black coffee. I mentioned in an earlier blog, about the Tower200 advert that I saw on Telly.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Leadership Workshop Over: Now for the Weekend

Two days of camping in the Gold Coast Hinterland, eating a diet of pasta and breadrolls and drinking just too much sugars and beers, bear witness to my last couple of days at our leadership workshop.

Now I just have the weekend to face with a double header tonight at Suncorp Stadium. Looking forward to some normality soon.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why have I done this Blog?

I have had a question asked by my Survival Tips page, asking why I have put together this blog. The reason is simple. I want fellas/blokes/men to get healthier. Many won't make the decision to lose weight, as they enjoy their lifestyle too much. The reality is that potentially their lifestyle will lead them to an early grave. The beer gut is filled with toxins and poisons and fat, that circulate around your blood system, causing all sorts of dramas. A friend of a friend has just had a close call with a lingering pain in the chest, becoming an emergency double bypass operation. Otherwise fit and healthy, and hardly carrying a gut at all, but nonetheless a scary time.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another Weekend Done and Dusted

I have enjoyed my weekend yet again, but started my Monday with a great resistance workout and a good long walk. Already feel better for it, than what I have for a while. I have a two day leadership workshop this week, and these are always dodgy to a degree. I think we cook our own food and will be having some drinks on the Thursday Night. This is the night after State of Origin 2, and as usual Curly's bar will be open with some mates coming around to share the night. So I guess just another tough week to contend with.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Heading into a Tough Month: Mindset

June is proving to be a tough month for me. I have had the wedding, and have been on the road with work which creates issues with meal frequency and the like. I have a heap of meetings for June and July, I have a State Conference and a couple of days workshops scattered around the place. It is going to be tough to manage compliance around both exercise and nutrition.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Breakfast Meeting

Sitting here early Tuesday Morning, drinking a black coffee and a Vanilla Protein Shake. I have a breakfast meeting today, and to be honest, they break my routine. I usually eat breakfast as soon as I wake up, OR straight after my walk.Today I won't be eating breaky until two hours after waking, hence the reason for the Protein Shake this morning. To stimulate my metabolism and get my body started.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekends and Weddings

The weekend is over and what a wedding!!1 An amazing and very tiring weekend, catching up with family and friends in Townsville. Needless to say we played up like a cheap watch, but well worth it. I am needing a week to adjust back I reckon. Food options - Ordinary, Alcohol options - excessive.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Weekend Starts Early

Got my replacement resistance band yesterday, just one day after letting BT know. Great service guys. Just sitting back tonight, enjoying a Peroni Leggera Beer before flying out to Townsville in the morning. Actually looking forward to having a normal BT/BS week next week. Looking forward to the weekend though, catching up with family and friends will be sensational.

Just quietly, the lower carb Peroni Leggera may just be added to my fave beers page. Have a great one everyone.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hump Day

Wednesday Morning, I am up early and have just completed my resistance workout. Had my Sugar Free V and worked through a 45 minute workout. Now to wait an hour before breaky and off to work for a day of meetings. Looking forward to the wedding this weekend, in tropical Townsville, catching up with family and friends.