HI. My name is Tony Curl and I have a real concern with the State of Men's Health. I know so many of my friends and mates, and see hundreds of others that carry that extra weight around their guts. The badge of honour called a Beer Gut. Unhealthy is a nice way to say it. An absolute killer is another. I want everyone to know my story and for you to realise that YOU can change your life and improve your health. Transform your life, all you need is the desire to change.
Please read MY STORY first, then click through the pages. Would love to hear from others and only too willing to help anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Overall I have lost over 29kg, transformed my life and now have kept it off for over twelve months. The proof that you can still drink beer and transform your body.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Feeling Very Positive for the Week

Over the last couple of weeks, I have clearly broken MY Number one rule. At least FOUR Alcohol Free Days a week. With State of Origin , Weddings, Leadership workshops it feels like I have been lucky to get in TWO AFD's. However this week, I have a much cleaner schedule. I have my State Conference on Thursday and as is usually the case, the unwind at the end of the day includes some light refreshments. I am comfortable that I can skip the beers at this, and get in a good FIVE days of AFD,s.

Started Monday well, with a great resistance workout. Just finished breaky of two scrambled eggs, some diced bacon and spinach, and writing this with some black coffee. I mentioned in an earlier blog, about the Tower200 advert that I saw on Telly.
My wife and son expressed an interest in it, so I bought it last week. It arrived on Friday and I set it up on Saturday Morning. So easy to set up and my wife and I have watched the DVD's over the weekend and had some quick exercise sessions with it.

The sessions are designed to be quick and simple, 11 minutes long is the longest one, and I can vouch for the fact that it really does work up a sweat. The set-up is resistance bands and as I have been using these with Bodysculpt, they now add a new range of exercises to my regime. Here is my set-up. I have put it on the door between the laundry and dining room. Out of mind out of sight with the only set-up needed is to "close the door". I will keep you informed through this blog, as to progress. If you want to have a look at the Tower 200. There website is Global Shop, or www.trytower200.com

I do feel like I have put some weight on around my waist, and I do need to have a couple of good weeks compliance wise from a Nutritional sense, to get rid of it. Everyone else have a great week and cya all later


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