HI. My name is Tony Curl and I have a real concern with the State of Men's Health. I know so many of my friends and mates, and see hundreds of others that carry that extra weight around their guts. The badge of honour called a Beer Gut. Unhealthy is a nice way to say it. An absolute killer is another. I want everyone to know my story and for you to realise that YOU can change your life and improve your health. Transform your life, all you need is the desire to change.
Please read MY STORY first, then click through the pages. Would love to hear from others and only too willing to help anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Overall I have lost over 29kg, transformed my life and now have kept it off for over twelve months. The proof that you can still drink beer and transform your body.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Looking Ahead

When times get tough, it is necessary to be able to visualise where you are heading and to re-focus. After a couple of tough weeks (well months really) I am in the middle of my stocktake week. What this means is that I need to be in control of my nutrition, if I am to stand a chance at coming out the other end. In a week where long hours and meals on the run is the norm, the very real chance is there to absolutely blow your nutrition and create some habits that may be a bit tough to break.

So ensure during these weeks, (and we all endure them in some way shape or form) that we stick to some of the basics. Eating a good protein based breakfast and ensuring that your activity remains are good starts.Keep your protein based snacks up and even then if you do indulge in some ordinary nutrition for lunch, it won't be as punishing. Stick to some sort of routine and then when the week/month is over, it isn't so hard to get back into your regime.

I know some people, who once they have "blown" a day by eating wrong or not getting activity, they tend to completely blow the day. Your philosphy should be to thing next meal, get back on track. It really isn't that hard. Keep your chin up


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