HI. My name is Tony Curl and I have a real concern with the State of Men's Health. I know so many of my friends and mates, and see hundreds of others that carry that extra weight around their guts. The badge of honour called a Beer Gut. Unhealthy is a nice way to say it. An absolute killer is another. I want everyone to know my story and for you to realise that YOU can change your life and improve your health. Transform your life, all you need is the desire to change.
Please read MY STORY first, then click through the pages. Would love to hear from others and only too willing to help anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Overall I have lost over 29kg, transformed my life and now have kept it off for over twelve months. The proof that you can still drink beer and transform your body.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Failure is not Fatal!!!

"This home is in the possession of the mortgagee exercising power of sale"

We saw this sign this morning posted to a window on a smart little house as we did our morning walk. The house was tidy and had a solar power installed, air conditioning along with other improvements. We thought about the young family that the house was ideal for, the pride and joy in their first home, and wondered about the catastrophe in life, that caused them to default their home loan. And it got me thinking........

Extreme things can happen to people. Marriage Breakups, freak accidents, tough times, work issues etc.......But how many times have we been hit for six by something, and couldn't see our way out. Life can be tough at times, and how we face these challenges make us who we are. Do we face them alone, do we take charge, to do confide in trusted allies...DO WE GET UP!

Do you know someone who has stayed down? The mark of a person is not how successful they are, its how they respond when things aren't going their way. Do they stand and fight or surrender and let the world win. Its how many times we get back up, that counts. Successful people, never win 100% of the time. They ultimately win, because of how they respond to their losses and what they learn.

In weight transformation its the same. Have we slipped up occasionally? Probably all of us have. How did we respond? Did we defeat ourselves? Was it all to hard? OR did we dust ourselves off and get back on track immediately?

The choice is ultimately YOURS. YOU CHOOSE. Don't let others/events take that control out of your hands. There is no use blaming others, on your way to an early grave. See your way out....have your vision.....charge on to be the very best you can be.


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